The Story Of The Lost Son – BUDDHA STORY2 min read

Once, in the presence of Buddha, his disciples approached him with a question that lingered in their hearts: “Why aren’t we enlightened? Why don’t we understand?” In response, Buddha, the wise one, decided to impart his teachings through a story—the story of the lost son.

Buddha gathered his disciples around him, and as they eagerly awaited his words, he began to share the timeless tale. “A long time ago,” he began, “there was a householder’s son who ventured into a distant country. While the father amassed immeasurable riches, the son, unfortunately, fell into dire poverty.”

As the son roamed in search of basic necessities, he coincidentally arrived in the very country where his father now resided. The father, witnessing the wretched state of his son, felt compassion and ordered his servants to bring him to the palace. However, when the son saw the grandeur of the place, fear overwhelmed him, thinking he had angered a powerful man who might imprison him.

Fearing the consequences, the son hastily fled before meeting his father. Unyielding in his love, the father sent messengers after his son, who caught and brought him back despite his protests. Recognizing his son’s suffering, the father instructed his servants to treat him with tenderness and assigned him a position befitting his rank and education.

The father, watching from his palace window, observed his son’s honesty and diligence. Pleased with his son’s character, he promoted him higher and higher within the estate. After a year had passed, the father gathered his servants and, in a moment of revelation, disclosed the secret—that the once-poor man was his son.

The son, tearfully gazing into his father’s eyes, felt a surge of joy and understanding. He embraced the truth and found fulfillment in the challenges he faced. The father’s cautious promotion had led the son to a place of enlightenment, and in that moment, he was full of life, understanding, and a deep sense of joy.

Buddha concluded the story by drawing a parallel to life. Just as the father promoted his son bit by bit, life, too, promotes individuals higher and higher. By facing challenges and embracing them, one grows spiritually and mentally. Fears, instead of hindrances, become guides directing us toward the right path.

The message was clear: Stop running away from life’s challenges; face them day by day. In doing so, life’s secrets will gradually reveal themselves, leading to spiritual and mental growth. This story served as a reminder to the disciples that understanding and enlightenment come to those who bravely confront the challenges of life.

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